Grouser Bars / Lug Bars for rebuilding track shoes
Dozers and Excavators have tracked chains for moving in all kinds of difficult terrains.
The track chains or grouser chains are made of number of track shoes or plates or grouser shoes or plates that form part of the undercarriage , which get worn out during use. The chains have a discard life ranging from 2000 to 4000 hours of operation. The complete replacement of these chains is a very costly and hence the chains are re-furbished which consists of rebuilding the grouser tip and the mounting holes. The re-furbished track chain provide at-least 50% life of the new one at extremely low cost.
We can also supply profile section called grouser bar profile which match the original worn out grousers and 45-degree chamfer is provided at the bottom to facilitate proper welding on the worn out grouser.
We can supply grouser bars in various cross sections suitable for various dozer and excavator in 3 to 5.8 meter lengths.